Articles on: Billing

How to cancel your trial/automatic renewal of your subscription you've started via Apple

Savvy Navvy offers a trial period and automatic subscription renewal through the Apple App Store. If you've tried the app and decided it's not for you, or if you wish to prevent the automatic renewal of your subscription, this guide will walk you through the steps to cancel it. The cancellation process is managed through your Apple account. Below are the steps to follow:

Before You Begin:

Before you proceed with the cancellation, here are some important points to consider:

Trial Period: If you're within the trial period and cancel, you won't be charged for the subscription but will still have what's left of your 14-day trial.

Automatic Renewal: If you're past the trial period and cancel the subscription, you'll maintain access until the end of the current billing cycle.

Steps to Cancel a Trial or Automatic Renewal:

1. Visit Apple's Support Page:

Open your web browser and go to Apple's support page for managing subscriptions by visiting this URL: Apple Support - Manage your subscriptions.

2. Sign In to Your Apple Account:

On the Apple Support page, you'll find a section titled "Manage your subscriptions." Click on the "Go to Apple ID" link.

3. Sign in with Your Apple ID:

Sign in with the Apple ID you used to subscribe to Savvy Navvy.

4. Access Your Subscriptions:

Scroll down to the "Subscriptions" section. Here, you'll see a list of your active subscriptions, including Savvy Navvy.

5. Manage Your Savvy Navvy Subscription:

Locate the Savvy Navvy subscription in the list and click on it.

6. Cancel the Subscription:

On the subscription management page, you'll find an option to "Cancel Subscription." Click on it.

7. Confirm Your Cancellation:

A confirmation pop-up will appear. Confirm your decision to cancel the subscription.

8. All Done :)

You've successfully canceled your Savvy Navvy subscription or trial through the Apple App Store. Remember, if you're canceling within the trial period, you won't be charged. If you're canceling an active subscription, you'll retain access until the end of your current billing cycle.

If you have any questions or feedback please contact our team at OR via our in-app chat and we will be happy to assist you!

Updated on: 03/09/2023

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