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Weather, Tides and Chart Data
Everything about our savvy charts™, as well as the weather and tidal information in our app.
Chart Types and Details
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What chart areas do you cover?
We cover a range of locations around the globe with the aim of eventually having global coverage. Our dedicated team are speaking with hydrographic offices worldwide to get savvy navvy users access to more and more chart data. savvy navvy users have access to all chart data. To see a full list of areas where we have coverage please click this link (https://www.savvy
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Does savvy navvy take tidal calculation into consideration?
Yes! When you plot a route you will see a course to steer (CTS) as well as tidal stream information. This forms the first phase of our full tidal integration programme. We will also be launching tidal heights shortly! If you have any questions or feedback please contact our team at ahoy@savvy-navvy.com and we will be happy to assist you!
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Where does our tidal data come from?
Copernicus tidal information savvy navvy tidal information is obtained from Copernicus. Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation programme, coordinated and managed by the European Commission, in partnership with the European Space Agency, EU member estates and EU agencies. Copernicus provide this information through obtaining vast amounts of global data, from satellites and ground-based, airborne and seaborne measurement systems. If you ha
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