Activating location settings - how to turn on your GPS
What to do if your GPS dot won't activate and turn blue.
Savvy navvy has integrated GPS, just like Google maps.
You can click the black circle with the black dot in the middle (on the right hand side of your app). When you press this icon the dot should turn blue and hone in on your active location.

What to do if you press the circle icon and no blue dot actives?
If this is happening then it may be that your device's location settings are not activated and therefore your device is preventing savvy navvy from being allowed to see your location. Here is how to resolve this:
If you are trying to adjust the location settings from the savvy navvy app, take the following steps:
**For iOS:**
Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > savvy navvy > set ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS to While Using the App.
For Android:
Long press on the savvy navvy icon and go to App info (or go through Settings > Apps & Notifications) > Permissions > Location > set LOCATION ACCESS FOR THIS APP to Allow only while using the app.
Adjusting location settings whilst using the app in your browser
If you are trying to adjust the location settings from your device whilst using savvy navvy in a browser, like Safari or Google Chrome, take the following steps:
iOS device using Chrome browser
Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Chrome > set ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS to While Using the App.
When prompted “[](” would like to use your current location”, press OK.
iOS Safari
Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Safari Websites > set ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS to While Using the App.
When prompted “[](” would like to use your current location”, press ALLOW.
Android Chrome
Go to the Menu (three dots, top right) click on > Site settings (under Advanced) > Location > check that Location is enabled and that savvy navvy is not under the Blocked list. If it is, click on it ( and set its Location Access to ALLOW.
If you have any questions or feedback please contact our team at and we will be happy to assist you!
Updated on: 17/10/2022
Thank you!